How many hamburgers do you earn? - May/June 2012

23 May 2012 - All about Salaries and Wages in South Africa, compare your Salaries and Wages with other countries, see How Much You Earn in terms of Big Mac hamburgers on Mywage South Africa

Did you know that if you are a software developer you can buy 4.6 Big Mac burgers for every hour that you work? Or if you are an office secretary, you can get 2.2 burgers for every hour worked?

The WageIndicator foundation has done a unique comparative study that looks at average salaries - and converts them into how many Big Mac hamburgers employees can buy with their salaries. This global wage comparison is based on the sample of 9626 respondents who replied to the questionnaire in the WageIndicator survey during years 2009-2011. 

The surveys feature a number of work sectors including IT,office staff, drivers and shop staff. They make comparisons between a number of countries including South Africa, India, China,the United States and the United Kingdom.

Read more about Big Mac earnings!

Big Mac IT workers

Big Mac office staff

Big Mac drivers

Big Mac shop staff

