Child Support Grants help care-givers - July 2010

20 Jul 2010 - All about the Child Support Grant in South Africa, Child Support for care-givers, how to access the Child Support Grant and more on Mywage South Africa.


Social grants for children below the age of 15 years are available in South Africa. The Child Support Grant (CSG) is there to provide for the basic needs of South African children up to the age of 14 years whose parents or primary care-givers are not able to provide sufficient support because of unemployment or poverty.


A primary care-giver is any person who takes responsibility for the daily needs of a child and who may or may not be related to the child.The primary care-giver is responsible for ensuring that the child is fed, clothed, immunised, and given access to health-care.


It is important to know whether one is eligible to receive a grant if one is a care-giver. 


Find out more Child Support Grants in South Africa.
